Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 Discussion 7.1

Week 7 Discussion 7.1

Q Why are negative attitudes or stereotypes associated with mental illness but not with physical illness? What are some stereotypes (positive and/or negative) associated with mental illness (be sure to provide the mental disorder for the stereotype you are using)? What could you do as an individual to help combat negative stereotypes in mental illness?

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It is not the mistake of an individual that has a negative attitude towards the mental illness for it is what the society has taught them. It is the perception of an individual that the society has designed through constant saying and through the use of media that mentally ill people are dangerous and its shame to be openly discussed. When we hear a term mental disorder patient then automatically images and violence, danger, and asylums come in our mind. Patients that are suffering from Posttraumatic disorder are often stereotyped as crazy and sometimes dangerous